tod shea
2023 President
Santa Barbara Association of Realtors
If you're like me, as a project nears completion, you look back and wish you could have done things better or done things differently. As the end of the year approaches, I'm feeling a little like that. I really enjoyed the opportunity to lead and collaborate with staff, agents, affiliates, and write articles each week. However, looking back, of course, there were many times when I wished I could have done more, had more influence, or attended fewer meetings. But what a great opportunity to be a leader! I was hoping this year would be the best year for the association.
This year has been a challenge for me. Whether it's walking into a room in Washington, D.C. to speak directly with legislators about the various Senate bills and bills that impact our region, or standing in front of the City Council to talk about permitting processes or tenant/landlord laws, or serving as a member of the Architectural Review Board. We conduct the Board with great dialogue and debate, engaging with the Board of Directors, CAR and NAR legislative committees, and high-level challenges and threats to our profession. People who are passionate about making our association the best it can be. I have grown as a real estate agent and as a person this year. I am grateful for this opportunity.
Also, as you should do when you finish anything, I was excited to reflect on some of the year's big successes. This year has been a tough year. If you feel like not much has happened this year, make sure to pull out your phone and go take some pictures. After reading this, please take a moment and scroll through the photos. He looks back on the weeks, he looks back on the months, and he looks back on the year. My files are filled with things I want to remember and social media screenshots, but more importantly, great experiences, places I've been, shocking memories, friends, family, colleagues, etc. It's full of. I appreciate it very much. I hope you do too.
We did a lot of great things this year. I won't go into too much detail, but here are some of the memorable ones for me:
· Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) speaks in support of reversing proposed upfront fees paid to borrowers at the time of loan.
· Speech at NAR Consumer Advocacy Committee. Approved as a grant to our association.
· Lobbying for more funding for the American Dream Campaign. In 11 days he spent $350 million, leading up to another funding round scheduled soon.
· Advocating for our members and bringing back all the latest tips and updates on everything from law to technology and everything in between. I look forward to continuing this next year as CAR Director.
· Work with staff and CEO Brian Johnson to develop the association's leadership handbook. It's a living document that helps incoming leaders and committees better connect with staff, understand staff expectations and schedules, and identify positions for promotion.
· Began including video content in the SBAOR newsletter and “Agents in the Wild” social media campaign.
· Established as an official committee to support YPN and organize events for new members, charity activities, etc. I am proud to be able to help this committee continue to grow next year.
· Working with Habitat for Humanity on two major cleanup projects: one on the streets of the East Side and one in a home on the West Side. SBAOR was also recognized by Habitat this year as an activist and change agent. This means that not only the financial contribution but also the physical work is done by volunteer real estate agents and affiliate members.
· Organized a successful lawn bowling tournament and held the first Cross Brokerage SBAOR sponsored member event.
· And this year I was able to talk to a lot of agents. This was one of the highlights of my year listening to feedback and new ideas and discussing with local real estate agents.
Looking forward, we are a strong community of great agents and affiliates, supported by a well-oiled SBAOR staff under the new dynamic leadership of Brian Johnson.
Thank you to Daniel and the rest of the Zia Group team for supporting me this year. Everyone made it so easy for me that I was confident that if I had a conflict, someone from the team would help me instead.
To my wife: I appreciate you and love you. Thank you for your balance, insight and support.
Michelle Allyn: Your years of experience and volunteer work on NAR and CAR boards and committees make you an excellent choice to serve as next year's president. congratulations!
Two pieces of advice for next year: Be open to feedback and ideas from real estate agents and affiliates. Search actively and connect with members. This is a great opportunity to meet so many members. This was one of my favorite parts of his presidency.
The second thing is to have a game plan. Take some time over the next few weeks to set some goals. Even if we didn't accomplish everything, having a strategy in place helped me and his 2023 board stay active throughout the year.
Thank you everyone for reading my articles this year. We wish you all a very successful 2024.
Todd Shea is the 2023 President of the Santa Barbara Association of Realtors (SBAOR). He is a California licensed real estate agent with the Zia Group backed by eXp Realty here in Santa Barbara. He has served as a member and chair of several committees within his SBAOR and has also served as a member of the Board of Directors. Contact Todd at 805.453.7730 and or send a message and follow him on Instagram @toddshearaltor.