This episode features some of the key creative teams behind the Broadway musical How to Dance in Ohio. This heartwarming musical, based on a true story, follows a group of young people on the autism spectrum as they prepare for their spring formal dance. The show has been praised for its uplifting message, celebration of neurodiversity, and talented cast featuring his seven autistic actors. This event is hosted by Dori Berinstein, five-time Tony Award-winning Broadway producer and co-founder of the Broadway Podcast Network. Let's get started. The panelists are:
- Sammy Cannold, Director
- Alexandra Siva, film director
- Jacob Yandula, composer
- Ben Holtzman, producer
- Nicole DiAngelo, assistant music director and script supervisor
The event was organized as part of the Jacob Burns Center's ongoing live event series, Life on the Stage: Conversations and Films, which promotes stability and resilience across the country. It will be held in partnership with the organization Entertainment Community Foundation. Provides performing arts and entertainment professionals with his net of lifelong safety. For more information, please visit This podcast is produced by Broadway Podcast Network. For more information about the Jacob Burns Center and the Life on Stage event series, visit