“Even in a conversation at a barbecue, if someone doesn't listen to podcasts, you end up asking them if there's a series they're into, because once they're into it, they become almost evangelical. ,” Watts said.
Watts said consistency of output is more important than episode length.
Take, for example, The Huberman Lab, presented by Dr. Andrew Huberman, a fellow neuroscientist. It was in the top 10 Australian podcasts on Spotify and Apple last year. The American will be speaking in Sydney this weekend and interviewing guests for several hours.
Get the best of your guests
Mr Walker was so successful that he justified a move from Sydney to London to improve access to guests from the UK and US. His interviews include a four-and-a-half hour conversation with physicist and businessman Stephen Wolfram and a relatively modest two-hour conversation with Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Katalin Carrico.
“It's morally right for us to take the best material from our guests,” Walker said. “Showing them that you've done a lot of work and that you're worthy of their best information is a very important, but often underappreciated, way to ace an interview. Is not.”
Watts said listeners want “facts, companionship and conversation” from podcasts, and if the interviews are interesting, the show could last a long time.
“Joe is charming and doesn't interview people he's not interested in or doesn't know well, and that really comes through,” Watts said. AFR weekend. “He challenges his guests as well…it's not just a standard interview. And I think that helps win their respect.”
The criteria for attracting Gen Z viewers are: inspired unemployed person, The show, by comedians Matt Ford and Jack Steele, was Australia's fifth most listened to podcast on Spotify last year.
Thanks to the success of their podcast, the pair have now developed businesses including zero-carb drink Better Beer and a partnership with ASX-listed Mighty Craft, and have amassed more than two million followers on Instagram.
“The Inspired Unemployed has always been aimed at people who aren't listening, especially younger audiences who think podcasting is a little too serious. We're not going to spend three hours listening to you, we're going to listen to you for 20 minutes. It needed to be a little lighter.”
Data released by Roy Morgan in June found that 18.3% of Australians download a podcast every month, up 1.9% from 2022, with Millennials and Gen Z making up a similar 70% share. ing.
According to Roy Morgan, Gen Z listeners increased by 15.7 percent, nearly twice as many as Millennials (8 percent), and more than Gen X (4.7 percent increase) and Baby Boomers (9.5 percent increase). It is said that there has been a significant increase.
YouGov Profile data released in September last year found that 20% of Australians listen to podcasts weekly, 16% listen daily and just 40% never listen.
However, last year's Infinite Dial Australia report found that 33% of Australians listen to a podcast every week, up from 26% in 2022.
Watts said the two podcast genres that will grow the most on Spotify in 2023 are education and health/fitness.