Thanks to “The Land Steward Podcast,” a monthly podcast series produced by the NRI Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute, conservation-minded Texans can learn more about current research, land trends, landowner resources, and conservation efforts related to current research, land trends, landowner resources, and conservation efforts. We now have a new way to get information that is easy to access and listen to. .
NRI, a division of Texas A&M AgriLife Research, works to improve the conservation and management of natural resources and the stewardship of private lands through interdisciplinary and applied research, education, and policy. The Institute plays a critical role in translating sound science and natural resource solutions for land managers in Texas and across the United States.
“Very simply, the goal of the Natural Resources Institute is to help solve complex natural resource challenges at the landscape scale,” said Brittany Wegner, NRI program manager and host of the Land Steward Podcast. says Mr. “We work at the intersection of conservation and applied research.”
Relevant conversations with leading experts
Each episode of the podcast focuses on a different aspect of natural resource management to provide new resources for land and wildlife managers.
Recent episodes explore the nuances of endangered and threatened species, and how private landowners help maintain healthy habitat through prescribed fire, invasive species management, and conservation easements. was featured.
Natural resource experts representing a wide range of relevant expertise across Texas A&M AgriLife and other partners will join Wegner each month to share their professional insights and personal experiences on a variety of topics.
“There are a lot of talented people in the natural resource profession with a wealth of knowledge,” Wegner said. “They are dedicated, passionate, and have empathetic insights that they are ready to share with anyone who is willing to listen.”
One of our most recent episodes featured Dr. Jim Cathy, associate director of NRI and professor in the Department of Rangeland, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Texas A&M University.
Together, they discussed wildlife tax assessments and additional land management resources provided by Texas A&M AgriLife and other agencies. Additionally, this episode explores the areas of expertise of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Texas A&M Forest Service, and Texas Parks and Wildlife Service, giving land managers access to the technical expertise offered through each. and how you can take advantage of financial support. organization.
Empowering Texans in their Stewardship Journey
Wegner said the podcast aims to engage Texans with their land and equip them with science-based knowledge and tools they may need on their own journey as natural resource managers. He said that this was the case.
“I'm a sixth-generation rancher, and my kids are seventh-generation ranchers,” Wegner said. “The expert advice and educational resources available through Texas A&M AgriLife have been extremely helpful as we work to best manage our land. We want others to have access as well. .”
The Land Steward Podcast is available to stream on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.