Books and Looks: Real Books for Real Readers It started as a podcast to complement Blaine Desantis' website and has expanded to include audio and video interviews with authors.
and books and looks, Ms. Blaine's goal is to focus on real books that real people would read. At least half of the books he reviews are by new authors or unknown authors that many people don't know about. After a segment of book reviews and interviews with authors, Blaine ends each episode with a discussion of the movies and TV shows he's currently watching.
this week's episode
Today we explore fascinating historical fiction and the power of the written word with young author Addison Armstrong. She will be speaking about her fascinating novel, The War Librarian. The story spans her two eras and focuses on themes of World War I, censorship, perseverance, and breaking boundaries. Armstrong talks about her writing career, from her dream in college to her becoming a published author, and the thorough research behind her stories. Find out the inspiration that fueled her passion for historical fiction and her insight into the challenges and triumphs of her writing life. If you love history, strong female characters, and the transformative power of books, this episode is for you!
Buy “The War Librarian” by Addison Armstrong on Amazon
Listen to the latest episode of Books & Looks:
About Blaine DeSantis:
Blaine is a lifelong avid reader, former lawyer, and has been a book club leader for the past seven years. He is an active teacher in higher education classes at Furman University. Blaine loves fiction, nonfiction, history, mystery, and just about any genre of books.