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episode notes
It's been a hectic week at the High Court (and seven days crammed with a year's worth of news). SCOTUS heard a case about bump stocks and how Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito act as content moderators on Facebook. The Supreme Court also finally found time to adjudicate the crimes of former President Donald J. Trump, the serially indicted rebel chief. We talk about all this and more with Slate's Mark Joseph Stern.
But what we're really focused on this week is the Alabama Supreme Court's recent ruling finding that frozen embryos are children, and the somewhat short-sighted nature of previous reporting, as if… There is a strong sense that this case is purely about in vitro fertilization. In fact, the entire fetal personhood movement involves many more people and rights than just those seeking assisted reproductive technology. Joining us is Dr. Michelle Goodwin, a distinguished expert on legal, medical, reproductive health, and biotechnology issues. Dr. Goodwin is the author of the following books: Policing the womb: invisible women and the criminalization of motherhood. She explains (again) why we should have seen this decision coming from miles (and centuries) away.
Later in the Slate Plus segment, Mark revisits this week's SCOTUS debate and the big news that Mitch McConnell, legislative turtle and architect of legal hell, will step down from his role as Senate Republican leader later this year. Masu.
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dahlia's book Lady Justice: Women, the Law, and the Fight to Save America, also available as an audiobook, and Amicus listeners can receive a 25 percent discount by entering the code “AMICUS” at checkout.
One of America's leading legal commentators, Dahlia Lithwick, tells the inspiring and heroic stories of female lawyers who fought and won against racism, sexism, and xenophobia during the Donald Trump era. I will tell you.