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In the award-winning podcast Articles of Interest, host and producer Avery Trufelman delves into the stories behind the clothes we wear. From the evolution of prep to the origins of her wedding dress, Avery takes listeners through the multifaceted layers behind fashion aesthetics.
“It's crops, it's earth, it's handiwork, it's culture, it's society. You pull the strings and you have it all,” she said. “That's what I'm gradually coming to understand.” [about fashion]”
In this week's BoF Podcast, BoF Founder and Editor-in-Chief Imran Amed speaks with Trufelman, who translates her lifelong passion for clothes and their meaning into audio format, and shares what she's learned about fashion and her introduction to podcasting. Discuss the road. road.
Key insights:
- Trufelman, the self-proclaimed “nepobaby of public radio,” has audio streaming in. Her parents worked at New York Public Radio. However, although she grew up with audio, it wasn't until her teenage years that she started experimenting with fashion, expressing herself through her ensembles, recycling her quirky fashion, and her This greatly confused my colleagues. “In the back of my mind, I knew it was going too far and felt like it was alienating people,” she says. “I realized how powerful clothes can be. This wild outfit made me feel special.”
- Trufelman first came up with the idea for Articles of Interest while interning at the design and architecture podcast 99% Invisible. Truefelman began understanding how fashion influences every aspect of life by offering her Fashion Podcast to an audience focused on architecture. “At first, fashion was like a dirty word to me,” she says. “Everything is fashion now, because everything has fashion. There are trends in buildings, there are trends in cars, and there are trends in colors. Fashion is a taste that develops over time; Looking at period photos is the easiest way to appreciate that it might be a car, but it's mostly clothing.”
- Four seasons into “Articles of Interest,” Trufelman now realizes he has a rich archive to tap into. “I never kill a story. I love reusing interviews I collected years ago. I believe that knowledge is never created once, so I always use them to I'm cutting it out and revisiting it. It's not a throwaway thing. I believe in making this a long, sustainable archive.”
- Truefelman also sees similarities between podcasts and fashion in the way they allow us to engage with the world. “People walking down the street seem to be hearing you and paying attention to what people are wearing and what they're doing. It's not focused attention. It's divided attention. That's beautiful.”