Earlier this week, we conducted a poll conducted by SB Nation. I decided to focus my questions on the recent struggles of the Dallas Mavericks. We asked him three questions, and at the end there was an additional question regarding his MVP vote.
The first question focused on who is to blame for Dallas' recent troubles (losing five of seven games).
This is a very strong poll finding, with nearly 9 out of 10 respondents placing the blame for the Mavericks' recent losses on Jason Kidd. That's wild. I have no objection to that opinion either! It's that our fan base is often finicky.
The next question was a direct one: Do you expect Jason Kidd to remain as head coach? I left it open ended, it could mean this season or later. The answer was obvious.
The Mavericks are, to put it kindly, a slow-moving organization. So it's interesting that only one in three fans think Kidd will remain as head coach. I want them to move on from him, but it doesn't look like they will, even with new ownership.
The last question I asked was about irritation. Which side of the ball is more frustrating to watch?
More than 9 out of 10 respondents are extremely dissatisfied with Dallas' team defense. Kidd says the offense influences how the defense plays. I think he's right. Dallas needs to get the ball better, and if they do, their defense might get a little stronger.
The last poll question I will share was part of a national poll conducted by the parent site. People ask me about MVP, and the results make sense to me.
Well, that was a lie, many more stupid Celtics fans think Jayson Tatum is an MVP candidate, but he's not. Luka Doncic and Nikola Jokic have left. Let's see what happens at the end of the NBA season.