Host-read ads become the golden goose of podcasting, delivering not only better profits for marketers, but also higher CPMs for the networks selling the ads. More shows are airing host-reading ads than ever before, as new research shows that talent readings are effective even when the podcast's actual host isn't speaking. There is a possibility that Our analysis shows that brands can also see better results if the ads their hosts read appear on other similar podcasts.
Gumball, Art19, and Signal Hill Insights partnered to test ads read by hosts. impact theory Host Tom Bilyeu. He created the ads read by the hosts of This was featured not only on his show, but also on his adjacent Business & Careers podcast. accidental creative and a neutral podcast, in fact!. We also created an announcer reading advertisement. The study then compared the results of the two ads to a control group of 800 monthly podcast listeners between the ages of 25 and 54 who did not listen to any ads. The results showed how influential the ads read by hosts are. Get used to it.
The study found that listeners who listened to Bilyu's live readings saw an overall 4-point increase in purchase intent, compared to a 1-point increase in announcer-reading ads on But the real power of live readings was demonstrated in Bilyeu's comparison of her two shows that were heard.
Among listeners who heard him speak at the adjacent Accidental Creative, purchase intent increased by 12 points, but among listeners who heard him read live at Actual!, purchase intent decreased slightly. The results were similar for brand affinity. Those who listened to a live reading on an adjacent program saw their brand affinity scores increase by 15%, while those who listened to a neutral program saw their brand affinity scores drop by 3 points. Brand awareness increased among listeners regardless of where they heard Bilyeu, but the increase was greater among those who listened to his adjacent Accidental Creative series, compared to a 5-point increase. , he rose two points among listeners of “Actual!” The bottom line is that a talent's readings perform best on adjacent podcasts that are similar in category to the talent's own podcast, the study says.
What happens when host read-alouds are superimposed on announcer ads? Our analysis found that across the three podcasts studied, announcer-read ads increased purchase intent by 1%, while Bilyeu's ads increased his impact. Theory shows showed a 15% increase in purchase intent among listeners. Brand affinity has also been significantly improved. He increased by 9 points in the ad read by the host, but he increased by 6 points in the announcer-her spot. One of the surprising things about the study, she said, was that ads read by an announcer led to greater affinity for the brand than ads read by a host.
For marketers considering how to strategize for podcast advertising, the report states that combining all three ad read types is an efficient way to maximize reach and effectiveness. According to the study, while announcers' readings effectively increase top-funnel metrics such as familiarity and familiarity, readings from other program hosts' talents improve mid-funnel metrics such as brand affinity. It is said to be excellent. Ads read by hosts that appear on their own shows are most powerful when consumers move down the funnel on metrics like brand affinity and purchase intent.
Download the survey results here.