Texas Woman's University (TWU) is the nation's largest university system focused on women.
First place Countries that prioritize student diversity (tie) (US News & World Report)
Class A As a representative of black students (USC Race and Equity Center)
67% TWU's undergraduate enrollment is dominated by minority students.Majority versus minority institutions
Increasing ethnic diversity in the workforce (2017 to 2020):
- Asian, 7.1%
- Black, 18.3%
- Multiracial/Ethnic, 8.6%
female leadership
Home of the Jane Nelson Women's Leadership Institute
- Awarded $1 million in COVID-19 relief relief Grants for women entrepreneurs
- Partnered with icivics Develop a bilingual Texas county game Promote civic education and participation throughout the state
- offered $500,000 in grants to women-owned businesses Launching an innovative project in Texas
- sponsored Politics and policy training for 634 students From 38 universities
- Providing business advice services Over 485 women-owned businesses
Texas Women has an economic impact on the state of $1.84 billion and receives the highest amount of support in health care and social assistance.
All information on this page uses data from November 2021.