In this two-part triage series, Gina Bertolini, Stephen Page, and Sarah Staples-Carlton discuss new relevance in a post-COVID-19 world where telemedicine and other remote models of care delivery have become mainstream. Discuss old medical regulatory principles that have One that has been widely adopted is Corporate Practice of Medicine, or “CPOM.” As more healthcare companies seek innovative ways to deliver healthcare, it's easy for seasoned medical professionals and newcomers alike to downplay or ignore his CPOM. Although on the surface it is a simple prohibition, it is important to understand the philosophy underlying the doctrine and understand its complexities, especially how it varies from state to state. This is especially true as telemedicine has become an established method of delivering care and many new companies are considering offering these services. There are many healthcare regulatory considerations that healthcare organizations, healthcare IT solution providers, and other companies must take into account when seeking to provide care across state lines, but CPOM should be at the top of the list. is.
In Part 1 of this series, Gina Bertolini, Stephen Page, and Sarah Staples-Carlton provide a brief introduction to CPOM, answer practical questions about its impact, and its current relevance for healthcare providers and other businesses. I will explain in detail.