Hyderabad: Following the murder of K Madhu, a real estate professional from Jeedimetla, the Cyberabad Special Task Force is assisting the Karnataka Police in tracking down the suspects, who are believed to be friends of the victim. Police are now investigating his reported involvement in organising casinos after details about his background emerged.
Police said Madhu, who hails from a lower-middle class family in Amalapuram, AP, had migrated to Hyderabad some time ago and started a car leasing business before switching to the construction industry.
Police said Madhu got involved in illegal casino activities four years ago and became close with Chikoti Praveen, who was under investigation for organising illegal gambling. Sources said Madhu became a casino agent and organised gambling events in Goa and Karnataka as well as Malaysia, Singapore and Dubai.
Madhu was recently campaigning for the Jana Sena party in Pithapuram, Andhra Pradesh, where he was also preparing for his younger daughter’s wedding.
On Friday, Madhu told his wife he was going to Bidar for work and left home with his friends Renuka Prasad, Nikis and Gopi. That night, he reportedly won a huge amount of money, estimated at Rs 10 million, at a casino.
Police suspect that on his way back from Hyderabad, he got into an argument over the division of money and his friends killed him and dumped his body near a roadside dhaba in Talakadu. The body was found by herders who informed the police. Police identified Madhu from the car’s registration number and informed his family.
Police said Madhu’s body bore over 30 deep lacerations. Prasad, Nikis and Gopi fled from Madhu’s body with cash and gold ornaments worth Rs 5 lakh.
The Cyberabad SOT has provided Bidar police with data on Madhu, including any old enmities. Asked for details, Cyberabad officials would only say that the case is under investigation by the Karnataka Police. A police official from Mannekeri in Karnataka told Deccan Chronicle that a case of murder is being investigated.