balsa studio is stepping into the world of video podcasts, a popular storytelling format on streaming platforms. The first episode will be released this Saturday and will feature two exciting new shows.First up is the president's podcast. Joan Laportawhere the club's top leaders chat with journalists about all things sport, organization and society. Miriam Nadal and Llorenc Thales. Our goal is for this podcast to be the go-to communication channel for our users. FC Barcelona Members and fans provide a relaxed discussion about the latest Barça news.
Also making its debut is Barra Riurea weekly video podcast hosted by journalists that delves into the club's sporting history. robert van eckhout Various guests will appear, such as Pol Martínez, Marc Brau, Llorens Tarres, Albert Cid. Spark a lively discussion about top 10 lists, lineup debates, and other games, and get ready for talks about iconic games, sports legends, influential coaches, and more. balsa A world-class multi-sport club.
Available on Spotify and Barça One
These video podcasts are FC Barcelona hubon spotifyyou'll also find a matchday playlist featuring the club's players' favorite songs. Lewandowski, Pedri, Rafinha, Alexia, Bronze, Rolfo, well as other music listings and content related to Club Museum.
Soon, you'll also be able to access these new video works in the following ways: balsa onenew global otto A platform that offers the best balsa-You'll find themed content there.
We look forward to seeing even more exciting works in the future!
In addition to these two premieres, balsa studio has extensive production plans for a video podcast to be released in the coming months. Currently, Club Sporthe is working on creating news, history and content about clubs. FC Barcelona Foundation.
This content is translated and edited from the Spanish version of the digital newspaper.