In the 68th episode of the CIO Podcast, hosted by Healthcare IT Today, we speak with Dr. Shafiq Rab, Chief Digital Officer, Systems CIO, and EVP at Tufts Medicine, who was most recently named the 2024 CHIME CIO of the Year. We are very excited to pick his brain on healthcare IT and leadership as our CIO of the Year. So we start this episode by asking Rab what his top three health IT things are and why. Next, discuss a time when Love failed and what you learned from it. Next, we talk about winning the 2024 CHIME CIO of the Year award and how he felt upon receiving this amazing achievement. Next, we discuss the ongoing projects Rab is working on that will have the biggest impact in 10 years. Finally, Rab shares what it takes to be a great healthcare CIO leader and shares his advice for anyone aspiring to be his next CIO of the Year.
Here are the questions and topics covered in this episode:
- What are the top three things happening in healthcare right now that excites you the most? Why?
- When did you fail? What did you learn from it?
- How did it feel to be named the 2024 CHIME CIO of the Year?
- Which projects are you currently working on that you think will have the biggest impact in 10 years?
- What does it take to be a great healthcare CIO leader?
- What advice would you give to fellow or aspiring CIOs looking to become the next CIO of the Year?
Now, without further ado, I'm excited to share with you the next episode of the CIO Podcast from Healthcare IT Today.
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