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Review this list of items that often cause delays in both filing your tax return and receiving your long-awaited refund.
I don't have a W-2 or 1099. Use last year's tax return to create a list of W-2s and 1099s. Then use the list to ensure they are received and applied to your tax return. Remember, lost items are detected by the IRS's matching program.
Social Security number is missing or invalid. Electronically filed tax returns come to a screeching halt when numbers are missing or invalid.
Dependents have already applied. If there are any discrepancies in this area, you will not be able to submit your return.
Names do not match. If you've recently been married or divorced, make sure the last name on your tax return matches the last name on file with the Social Security Administration.
There is no information regarding common deductions. If you apply for a deduction, you must provide support to document your claim.
Transaction cost information is missing. The broker will send you a purchase and sale statement. If you also do not provide cost and purchase information, you will not be able to file your tax return.
Does not review returns or sign electronic file approvals. The sooner your tax return is reviewed and approved, the sooner it can be filed.
Format without explanation. If you receive a tax form but don't have any instructions for it, you may have questions. For example, if you receive a retirement account distribution form, it is considered income. If it's part of a qualified rollover, no taxes are due. An explanation is required to properly submit the information.
We hope that by knowing these often overlooked pieces of information, you can prepare to file your tax return smoothly.
James Angell is a certified public accountant based in Willits. His office is located at 461 S. Main St. and he can be reached at 707-459-4205.
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