Sesamy, a monetization tool for publishers, released a case study showing how its tool “partially paywalled” podcasts. Kvartal, Swedish magazines, and other clients in the UK and Italy. There's a lot to learn. Purchasing the entire season in advance seems to work well (only 15% want to pay monthly). Amazingly, the conversion rate was over 10% of her subscribers. Also, 70% of users preferred to pay with his Swish, Sweden's popular mobile payment system, instead of paying by card.
- For this magazine, more than 15% of new subscribers came through podcasts, and some of its programming was available only to subscribers. This is a significant improvement over previous models. Kvartalsaid Rudde Helberg, CEO of . “We have strong reason to believe that our premium His podcast is a much greater driver of subscription conversion than this number indicates.”
February’s Australian Podcast Ranker has been announced by CRA and Triton Digital. LiSTNR is the #1 reseller. ARN's iHeartPodcast Network Australia is the #1 publisher by monthly listeners. ABC ranks #1 in total downloads.
- Year-over-year, LiSTNR network downloads are down 9%. ARN's iHeart is down 29% – Australia is also not affected by Apple's iOS 17 changes.
Podcast website creation tool Podcastpage now has an AI-powered writing assistant. You can use it for headings, titles, or entire blog posts.
Transfer and employment
- Jonathan Aspinwall, who has been running BBC News podcasts, will become editor-in-chief of the broadcaster's analytical news program Newsnight. There is no news yet regarding his replacement as executive producer of the BBC News podcast.
Tips and Tricks – Use Memberful
John McDermott posted 5 Ways to Grow Your Podcast in 2024. One of his ideas, “Dating Taylor Swift,'' seems to be slightly beyond our capabilities at the moment, but if you think about it, our editors have compared it to Tom Hiddleston. He looks exactly like him, but he's 10 years older, has gray hair, and didn't have a notable acting career. So maybe there's a chance?
Have you heard about Podcasting 2.0 but aren't sure what it is? I hope this helps.
Podcast News – Airwave
Last week, 213,838 podcasts had at least one new episode published (up 0.1%). sauce