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Join Tami Burdick, patient advocate and author of Diagnostic Detective: Treating Granulomatous Mastitis. Tami's story is one of resilience, empowerment, and the search for comprehensive healthcare solutions. Join us as Tami shares her journey through the healthcare system, from her battles with misdiagnosis to her personal advocacy in pursuit of accurate treatment. Based on her experiences with everything from granulomatous mastitis to endometriosis, Tami shares the importance of her intuition, the challenges of navigating medical care, and a holistic approach to managing chronic disease. provides valuable insight into the need for
Tami Burdick is a patient advocate and author of Diagnosis Detective: Curing Granulomatous Mastitis.
She discusses KevinMD's article “Women's Intuition in Health and Healing.”
Our presentation sponsor is Nuance from Microsoft.
Do you spend more time on administrative tasks like clinical documentation than with patients? You're not alone. Clinicians report spending up to two hours on administrative tasks for every hour of care provided. Nuance, a Microsoft company, is committed to helping clinicians restore balance using Dragon Ambient eXperience (DAX for short). DAX is an AI-powered, voice-enabled solution that helps doctors cut document creation time in half. DAX Copilot combines proven conversational and ambient AI with cutting-edge generative AI in a mobile application that integrates directly with your existing workflows. DAX Copilot can be easily enabled within Dragon Medical application workflows, bringing ambient technology to more clinicians while leveraging proven and powerful features used by over 550,000 physicians. Power can be delivered more quickly.
Try DAX Copilot today. Visit to watch a 12-minute DAX Copilot demo. Discover your own clinical documentation and regain your work-life balance.
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