when Molly Rhoden Winter One night, fed up with her husband coming home so late that she couldn't take care of their children, she ran away from home, and things took an unexpected turn. She went to a bar with her friend and she ended up meeting a much younger man. But she told Helen Pitt that it was not her infidelity, but her interest in this other man that sparked a surprising conversation with her husband that led to them opening up their marriage to others. He said it happened.
Non-monogamous marriages and polyamorous relationships are not new or unheard of. But Winter's book seems to have resonated because her family and marriage were so ordinary. And she says she still rarely hears about her mother, who had relationships with multiple people. Wintour explains what her open marriage has taught her about herself and relationships. And how did she discover that her mother also had an open relationship but she was hiding it.
In the UK, another mother with young children has written a book inspired by her own open marriage, but her therapist Andrew G. Marshall He says non-monogamous relationships aren't as taboo as they once were. He tells us what the pitfalls and joys are.
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