BOISE – Idaho Fish and Game's Hook and Breaking News Podcast is a weekly roundup of hunting, fishing, trapping and conservation news from around the Gem State.
Introducing Hook and Britain, our newest podcast about Fish and Game in Idaho. The Hook and Britain podcast is a weekly roundup of hunting, fishing, trapping and conservation news from around the Gem State. Specifically, this weekly podcast provides Idaho athletes and athletes with an easy-to-understand overview of recent fish and game articles.
Fish and Game encourages users to tune in to their podcast platform of choice. The goal is to give sportsmen and women the opportunity to download and listen whenever they want, whether in the office, on a weekend hunting or fishing trip, or while sitting around a campfire. is.
Hook and Britain is hosted by public relations specialist Conor Jay Reese, co-hosted with regional public relations representatives, and occasionally features in-depth interviews with Fish and Game staff.
Fish and Game also encourages listeners to email if they are interested in a specific topic or have questions related to fish and game issues .
Interested parties can listen on Hook and Bulletin's official podcast page, Podbean, Fish and Game's YouTube channel, or any other podcast listening site of their choice.