As a real estate agent, knowing your local market and being able to share the latest local data trends is key to your business. And Florida Realtors has created an interactive data tool – sun statistics – We help our members do just that through this robust, user-friendly resource.
Want to make the most of exclusive market data? Use SunStats to drive your business forward.
Download infographic
The move to an interactive web-based platform means a variety of new features, including mobile responsiveness.
Click here to launch SunStats (password required)
The SunStats tool has three main components: a dashboard, a chart builder, and an infographic creator.
The dashboard welcomes users with tables that provide the latest market information at a glance. The dashboard displays metrics for the current period, last year, year-over-year, and 12-month trend lines. Users can customize their geographic area and property type to get the statistics they need right away.
chart builder
Chart Builder allows users to visualize data in graphs and see information from last year in tables. The user is
Geographic area, property type, metrics, reporting period (monthly, quarterly, annual), price range, etc.
Users can look beyond a single statistic using the Compare filter. He can display up to four geographic areas, property types, metrics, price ranges, or sales types in one graph.
Users can retrieve data from SunStats. Charts can be downloaded as images, with or without branding. This feature allows users to share on social media, add images to marketing materials, and email charts to clients. Users can obtain historical information through CSV/Excel.
infographic creator
Infographic Creator allows users to create colorful and impactful visuals of the latest market indicators for a geographic area. Users can choose to view a single property type or view metrics for single-family homes, townhouses, and condos on the image. By sharing directly to social media, users can grab clients' attention and generate clicks to their pages.
Under construction
As SunStats evolves, additional components such as report generators and heat maps are created to provide users with other interactive ways to explore metrics.
Need help with SunStats? Call the Florida Realtors Tech Helpline for assistance. 407.587.1450.