bonfire wrong monument
Texas A&M University is unique for many reasons. Its unique culture permeates every aspect of its existence. At the core of that culture is the courage to always do the right thing, regardless of opinion or consequences. Traditions are respected at A&M, but those traditions cannot replace the dignity we accord to all members of our community.
Efforts to revive the bonfire tradition would dishonor the memory of the students who lost their lives, including the one who was seriously injured, and would tarnish the culture of Texas A&M University.
What is a fitting memorial for the loss of 12 young, bright lives? Perhaps in this case, it declares that no amount of time will erase that loss. Salvation is a powerful force, but it must have a powerful purpose. Simply reviving symbols of sports rivalries doesn't have that power. In fact, it trivializes the tragic deaths of these 12 people, robbing them of their basic dignity and the meaning of what they would have accomplished had they lived.
We are excited to see the return of the traditional Thanksgiving football game between the University of Texas and A&M, but this game will be played without diminishing our values or disrespecting those we have lost. be able to.
Don Powell '21 (Graduate School), Amarillo
Former President of the Texas A&M University System
authorities must support preservation
Re: “Preservation gets a new look — City Council to vote on proposal this week,” Metro article, April 7.
Hats off to Kate Singleton, who took over as head of the city's preservation program and successfully turned things around. Nevertheless, I applaud this “fresh look” with some trepidation.
Under the previous director, the four historic preservation planners at the time (including myself) received additional staffing, funding for community support, funding for translation of materials into Spanish, funding for educational support, and fought for funding for historic district development in underserved communities;
None of this was considered important, and no one in authority supported us – not the former director, the current mayor, the retiring city manager, and most of the Landmarks Commissioners and City Council members. Everyone was waiting for our office to collapse.
Realizing that their attempts to advance the city's preservation program were futile, all four planners ultimately resigned, determined to make a difference elsewhere and maintain their professional integrity. did. It's a huge red flag when all of your dedicated and professional employees leave, but no one raised an eyebrow except for one deputy city manager.
What I am saying is that a “fresh look” will not be successful without the support of senior officials, the Landmarks Commissioner, and the City Council. I hope lessons have been learned. Dallas' history and culture are too important to ignore.
Marcia Pryor, McKinney
pay public servants for their sacrifices
Re: “Money Can't Buy a Better City Council — Dallas Employees Must See Their Work as a Public Service, Not a Career,” April 7 editorial.
In an era of significant challenges and demands on governments, especially local governments, public 'services' are more important and valuable than ever. In general, a growing exodus of experienced representatives from such roles is hampering the ability of cities to meet the needs of the day and effectively prepare for tomorrow.
The time has come to consider paying or increasing compensation for these individuals. Public services often require huge sacrifices in many ways, every day, including weekends.
The public often misunderstands the complexity of public sector roles and the amount of dedication, effort, grit, tenacity, and time it takes to perform such a job, let alone perform it successfully. There are often
An increase in salary would likely allow city councilors to better perform their role as an actual full-time job. This will benefit the communities they serve. Some city council members must maintain full-time jobs while serving the public. This is almost impossible.
In Dallas, we need the most capable and responsive leaders possible in every seat, at all times. What happens in Dallas affects North Texas, but sometimes you get what you pay for.
Mike Grace, Southwest Dallas
Republicans have already surrendered
Re: “Republicans, Don’t Surrender” by William Pritchard, Wednesday Letters.
Pritchard urges Republicans not to give in to Democrats' immigration policies. He encouraged support for “a compromise solution that would effectively manage immigration and provide amnesty for individuals with DACA,” and in the next sentence said, “Democrats seem committed to making no compromises.” ing.
He clearly hasn't been reading or watching the news lately, where we all watched as a bipartisan immigration reform bill that a group of Democratic and Republican senators spent months crafting was defeated. I've watched it. After the House speaker declared he would never allow the bill to come to a vote in the House, Republican senators “surrendered” and refused to support the bill, all at the behest of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Happened. He doesn't want immigration reform unless he gets credit for it.
Democrats are willing to compromise. Trump and his Republican sycophants are not.
Karen Rosenthal, Irving
No more tax cuts!
There seem to be so many needs in many areas of our country. I'm not an economist, just a retired teacher, but I have some novel ideas. For years, the emphasis has been on tax cuts. What about the wildly unpopular idea of not only trimming government fat, but also raising taxes and eliminating loopholes?
We must strive to save democracy here and around the world. Poverty and homelessness are heartbreakingly prevalent. Teachers cannot live on their income alone. Borders need money and a way to eliminate the causes of mass exodus from other countries.
It will take sacrifices from all of us to get out of massive debt while caring for those who desperately need help.
Carol McNutt, Athens
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