Maybin recently reflected on CM Punk's famous podcast interview with him after he left WWE in 2014. The WWE alum posted a new video revisiting an interview Punk did with Colt Cabana, where he spoke about his issues with WWE at the end of his active career. , an interview that led to a lawsuit from WWE doctor Chris Ammann and ultimately led to the dissolution of Punk and Cabana's friendship. According to Wrestling Inc, you can see some highlights from his Maven comments below.
Regarding what punks at the time said, “It's okay even if it's hard”: “Bad things will always happen, and if you are not prepared for it in life, the goal of walking around feeling bitter will only lay the foundation for even worse things to happen in life. If so, what is that bitter feeling? And at that point, ask yourself, “What can I do next time to avoid feeling this bitter feeling?”
On Punk calling WWE creatively stifling and toxic: “I'm not saying that's what you sign up for, but that's life and the world. When you're backstage and you're one of 60 people there, sometimes they You realize that you have something in store for other people. Maybe the man is pushing others away or maybe he doesn't see in you what you see in him. Sometimes I feel emotionally defeated when I don't know what to do. I've felt that way sometimes, too, so I understand where he's coming from.”