Earlier this month, the Bombay High Court indicted a couple who run a real estate company for allegedly defrauding the husbands of actors Karishma Tanna, Varun Bangera and TV presenter Sameer Kochhar of Rs 1.03 crore. , granted interim protection until February 15th. He sold tens of millions of yen on the pretext of selling an apartment in Bandra.
A single judge bench of Justice Saran V Kotwal had earlier this month in connection with an FIR lodged by the Andheri police in November 2023 for an offense punishable under Section 409 (criminal breach of trust). It passed the petition order for Pronit Nath and his wife Amisha. 420 (cheating) and 120B (criminal conspiracy) of the IPC) by public servants, bankers, merchants, agents).
Kochhar, the plaintiff in the case, along with his wife and real estate businessman Varun Bangera, were looking for a property to buy in December 2020. During this time, Kochhar and Bangera learned that the applicants were planning a development. His four-storey building in Pali village, Bandra (west). Mr. Kochhar, his wife and Mr. Bangera visited the property premises and Mr. Nath shared details of the project with them.
Kochhar decided to buy one unit for Rs 1.95 billion and Bangera decided to buy another unit for Rs 9 million. According to the FIR, Kochhar paid Rs 58.55 million for the third-floor flat, while Bangera paid Rs 44.66 million to Nath and his wife Ameesha, making a total payment of Rs 1.03 billion.
Ashwin Toor, the petitioner's lawyer, argued that at most it was a civil dispute due to failure to communicate, and that the couple was not guilty of any criminal charges as Kochhar had already filed a civil suit.
Mr Kochhar's lawyer Prerak Chowdhury sought time to file the intervention application. The court asked Mr. Tour to add Mr. Kochhar as a party defendant in the matter.
“In view of the submissions made on behalf of the applicant today, the applicant may be protected by interim relief until the next due date,” the court noted, rescheduling further hearings on February 15. notified by.
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Originally uploaded to: January 28, 2024 19:43 IST