The Tennessee Titans decided to run it back and play the hits when it came to this year’s schedule release video, which I thought was pretty smart.
Risky, but smart. You don’t generally want to mess with the original, but, then again, sometimes you wind up with Empire Strikes Back and you look like a genius.
The most important thing with a sequel, in my opinion, is bringing back the original cast. IF you do that, you have a fighting chance.
The Titans brilliantly did just that with their video last night – not only copying exactly what they did last year, but dancing with the partner they came with.
That’s right. They brought back the viral Red Stallions girl who became an American hero last year. Meet Cleveland Browns fan – and Ohio realtor – Cheyanne Kraus:
Red Stallions girl was back with a vengeance in Titans video
Cheyanne launched her internet career last season when she growled at the Falcons/Stallions logo, and Tennessee’s social media team decided they’d seen enough to make her the star of this year’s show.
Now, was the sequel as good as the original? Eh. Probably not. That’s a big ask. It’s why you’re always playing with fire when you mess with the original. If you go back to the well one too many times, you’re gonna wind up like The Hangover trilogy.
The first one? Iconic. An absolute game-changer in the comedy game. It set the world on fire.
But the second? Yikes. It stunk. People HATED it. The third one was just weird, but by that point people had already checked out, so nobody really cared.
But that’s not what we had here. I think on a scale of Hangover 2 to Return of the Jedi, this is far more to the right side of that spectrum. Obviously, bringing Cheyanne Kraus BACK, this time in a leading role, paid off big time:
Obviously, Cheyanne here was a huge hit. No doubt about it, as Collinsworth would say.
Shockingly (not at all), OutKick actually ID’d realtor Cheyanne LAST season. Old friend Anthony Farris was on it like white on rice:
And if the real estate market runs dry, she shouldn’t worry. Cheyanne and her husband have already capitalized on her viral video. They’re selling Red Stallions and RAWR merch online. That’s what we call Marketing 101 kids.
Sadly, that website seems to be gone. Poof. However, keep an eye on it, because Red Stallions girl is BACK, and this time she’s the star of the show.
It may be the perfect time to pounce.