The benefits of investing in universal school meals are clear. Our new report shows that universal free school meals (breakfast and lunch for students regardless of income) have 2.5 to 7 times greater benefits to human health and economic returns in comparable high-income countries. brings.
The quality of food for Canadian students is poor across all socio-economic backgrounds, with only a small proportion meeting Canada's Food Guide recommendations.
Studies have shown that school-provided meals are more nutritious than home-made lunches in many countries, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Denmark.
The national school feeding program joins Canada's Universal Child Care Program and Canada's Child Benefit as important social supports, providing immediate relief to families while providing several short- to long-term economic and social benefits. bring profit.
Immediate relief for household finances
Healthy eating is out of reach for many Canadian families. In 2023, Canadians will be spending less on food despite rising costs, and this is predicted to get worse.
The 2024 Canada Food Price Report predicts that food costs per four-person household will increase by $701 per year, meaning Canadian households can expect to spend $16,297 on groceries this year. To do.
According to our report, universal school meals could save families between $129 and $189 per child per month on grocery costs.
Universal school meals would put more money back into Canadians' pockets, help sustain the rising cost of living, and ensure children can afford healthy meals when they're not in school. Masu.
In Sweden, one study found that participation in the universal free school meals program increased permanent household income by 2.6%.
Importantly, this permanent increase is not due to a decline in household food expenditure, but rather that school meals may help increase affordability in the short term and increase household incomes in the medium term. means.
Support for working women
When parents work long hours, it can be difficult to prepare healthy school lunches. Universal free school meals save money and time, reduce financial stress, and ensure that children eat well at school, giving parents more time, especially on meal preparation. We support women who often have problems.
This allows women to focus more on their work, have fewer interruptions, and achieve a healthier work-life balance, leading to increased productivity and career advancement opportunities.
In fact, the same Swedish study mentioned above found that access to a universal free school meals program increased mothers' labor market participation by 5%.
In China, the introduction of school lunches increased mothers' weekly working hours by 9% to 14%, and the increase was particularly pronounced for mothers in low-income groups and mothers in rural areas.
Overall, this means that in addition to increasing household incomes, universal free school meals can increase women's labor force participation, thereby supporting gender equality, personal economic prosperity, and national economic growth. Masu.
Increasing incomes and reducing inequality
In the long term, universal free school meals can also improve children's health, academic performance and economic outcomes later in life.
The aforementioned Swedish study found that students who participated in school lunch programs throughout elementary school had 3% higher lifetime earnings than students who did not participate due to improved nutritional health and educational outcomes. got it.
Among children from the lowest income households, access to free school meals was associated with a 6% increase in lifetime earnings. The program had the greatest positive impact on students from low-income families, demonstrating the role school meals can play in reducing socioeconomic inequalities in adulthood.
Growing Canada's agricultural economy
Universal school meals can also support Canada's agri-food sector. The national program has the potential to spur the creation of as many as 207,700 jobs.
Investments in U.S. school lunch programs have led to the creation of jobs in food service, agriculture, nutrition, and program management, spurring economic growth while reducing unemployment.
Additionally, Canada could support local farmers and suppliers by adopting a farm-to-school approach similar to the United States. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that every dollar allocated to such programs generates an additional $1.30 to $2.60 in local economic activity.
Similarly, in British Columbia, every dollar allocated to procure locally grown food to public institutions has a double return on the economy, with significant economic benefits from supporting local agriculture. Shows profit.
According to a World Food Program report, school feeding programs are internationally recognized as one of the most successful drivers of improving the health and education of school children and their productivity as they enter the workforce.
Our new research summarizes the strong economic case for investing in Canada's school meal programs. Universal school meals not only provide immediate relief to families, but can also build a legacy of improved public health and economic prosperity for future generations.
Investing in the National School Lunch Program today is an investment in a stronger Canada tomorrow.