Franchetti, herself a pioneer as the first woman to serve as CNO and the first woman to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, offered a perspective that resonated with the audience. She shared her personal journey, her difficult missions she completed, and the fulfillment of her leadership team as she rose through the ranks of the United States Navy. Her message focused on work-life balance, integration, and combat effectiveness in great leaders, great people, and great teams.
“We are 'them.'” It doesn't really matter what level you are at. You are part of “them” in your organization. So let's have a culture and create a place where people can contribute their best every day. “We have to keep the gas pedal off because the enemy is targeting our strengths. And our strength is our people. And that's where we need to focus. ,” Franchetti said.
The panel was attended by Rear Admiral Nancy Lacore, Commander, Naval District of Washington; Rear Adm. Heidi Berg, Assistant Deputy CNO for Plans and Strategy; E. Ann Sandel, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Administration; Mr. Timothy Bridges, Executive Director, Naval Facilities Command;
“We have important work to do across the company to improve readiness, and that includes investing in our people,” said Lt. Gen. James Downey, NAVSEA commander. “This will be a key focus for this large naval team as we align to meet the Secretary and CNO's strategic priorities of maintaining maritime superiority and providing combat capabilities to the U.S. military.” .”
At the conclusion of the event, NAVFAC Commander Maj. Gen. Dean Vanderley issued a powerful challenge to participants. He urged us to harness the energy and inspiration from our shared stories to propel the Navy, and ultimately the nation, toward a brighter, more inclusive future. “In the words of our CNO, we need every player on the field and it is important to recognize that a significant number of our most talented and valuable players are women.” emphasized Vanderlee.
International Women's Day evokes a rallying cry that resonates through the ages. The United Nations theme, Investing in Women: Accelerating Progress, is an anthem for today's women, calling on them to come together in unwavering solidarity.