EL PASO – Texas Democrats are choosing a different path than the state’s Republican Party and will not close the primary to prevent independent and Republican-leaning voters from participating.
Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa said delegates to the state party’s convention this week will not be asked to adopt such rules changes.
“We want people to join our party,” Hinojosa said. Dallas Morning News“There are a lot of Republicans who are frustrated with the insanity of the Republican Party. We’re opening the door to them.”
Last month, the Texas Republican Party changed its rules to hold a closed primary election, aimed at preventing Democrats and independents from mixing together and influencing the Republican nomination process. Republicans have not said how they will implement the change, adopted by delegates to the state’s Republican convention, and there is ongoing discussion about whether it needs to be approved by the Texas Legislature.
Texas voters do not register by party, and delegates to the Republican convention discussed requiring primary voters to register with a party and be screened to ensure they are not participating in the Democratic primary.
Democrats, who haven’t fielded a statewide candidate since 1994, have no plans to follow suit.
“The Democratic Party has a large organization and is open to anyone who wants to participate in the democratic process and make a statement that is important to them,” Hinojosa said.
While changing the primary format was not on the agenda at the convention, Democrats are rallying to fight against a Republican plan that would allow some Texas families to use state funds to pay for private schools.
During a Friday caucus focused on protecting teachers and public education, Hinojosa urged Democrats to take on Gov. Greg Abbott and Republicans who support his voucher-like plan. Abbott said he has 77 pro-school choice Republican votes in the Texas House of Representatives, enough to approve a bill allowing public funding for private education in the 2025 legislative session.
Abbott is confident that school choice legislation blocked in the House last year will become law.
“We have to fight,” Hinojosa said, urging Democrats to rally together to defeat pro-school choice Republicans in about eight state legislative districts they see as winnable in the November general election. “If you go to the polls, this is a fight you can win.”
Republicans are also rallying school choice supporters to defend gains made in this year’s primaries.
Mary Duty, a Waco Democrat and chair of the Legislative Caucus for Education and School Finance, agreed that voting is key to stopping voucher-like plans from passing the state Legislature.
She said voters who oppose private school vouchers and similar programs will win, despite opponents spending millions of dollars to push pro-school choice candidates.
“These are scary times, but we have to win this fight,” Duty said. “The people will win for money.”