The Empty Tomb of Comrade Bishop, sponsored by Powers, is the result of a two-year investigation led by Powers and colleagues Ted Muldoon and Lenny Svinowski. The series shows that the U.S. government played a larger role in the Cold War mystery surrounding the missing body of a Caribbean leader than previously reported.
The Post's flagship series, “Post Report,'' which Martine co-hosts with media reporter Elahe Izadi, takes a deeper look behind the headlines and is published every weekday afternoon.
“We always aim to create podcasts that resonate with our audience, so we are thrilled to receive this nomination,” said Renita Jablonski, Director of Audio at The Washington Post. Ta. “At the heart of these projects is our team’s unwavering dedication and commitment to the craft of bringing journalism to life for our listeners.”
“Comrade Bishop’s Empty Tomb” and “Post Report” are available across podcast platforms. Washington Post subscribers enjoy premium audio benefits on Apple Podcasts, like ad-free listening and early release episodes.