The Rangers are the current World Series champions, and the Mavericks and Stars are on a winning streak in the second round of the playoffs. Will the success of other teams in the Dallas area have any impact on the Cowboys, for better or worse? – Ryan Barrymore/Dallas, Texas
Nick Eatman: I don't think that matters at all, especially considering how popular the NFL is and of course the size of the Cowboys on the national level. I think it's great to see other teams play well and have success here locally, especially since each team just won one title each. But to me, comparing them to the Cowboys is a waste of time. Let's take a look at the TV ratings for the game. The Cowboys are getting more attention in preseason games than the Rangers were getting in the World Series. That's the world we live in and always has been. Plus, don't forget that the Cowboys should be mentioned just like any other team right now. Let's stop pretending that the Cowboys are a struggling team and other teams are doing well. With the exception of the Rangers, who actually won it all, the Cowboys have had more success over the past three seasons than the other three. But what I want to say is that the four teams are doing well so far. But nothing compares to the Cowboys.
cart: It would be nice if the old saying “a rising tide lifts all boats” would work here, but unfortunately it doesn't as there is clearly no crossover between the sports. And the Cowboys coaches and players already have the drive to win no matter what their hometown opponents do. Sure, other clubs' playoff success probably casts the Cowboys in a negative light in the minds of some fans, but the truth is that the Rangers, Mavericks, and Stars No matter what you do, it doesn't really affect the team. The NFL and the Cowboys are two very different things, especially here in football-obsessed Texas. From ticket sales to TV ratings to local and national media coverage, the Cowboys' No. 1 ranking remains a constant, despite their struggles to win in the postseason. That being said, I can guarantee you that as an organization we are all as excited as you are about the playoff berth that Dallas' other three teams are enjoying. It's a fun time in the Metroplex right now, and we look forward to even bigger celebrations in the future, including the Cowboys' Super Bowl title win.